Hello OSK!

I'm a Web Developer, Designer, and Artist stationed somewhere in between JPL, Art Center College of Design, the Norton Simon and Cal Tech.

I provide the following services: web / software development, user experience design, user interface design, content strategy, information architecture, branding, visual design, and art direction. I primarily work with clients in the music, fine & commercial art industries, along with film production and advertising agencies.

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Selected Client Work

Below is a selection of projects I have worked on both the visual design and technical development of.

Exploratory & Personal Projects

Working without client concerns / deadlines, allow me to push my skills forward as a developer and user experience designer and artist. I will often vet ideas in these "sketches" in order to see if they are viable in a production environment. I also have a variety of on going art projects.

Digital & Beyond...

Participating in projects that are both digital and analog has always been important to me, making a variety of work in different media has had a profound influence on how i approach both problem solving and creative concepting.