Hello Mara:

Below is a collection of my web work. A lot of variety here, but started off with a couple gallery and then artist related projects. As you can see I build a lot of websites - so I keep up to date on best practices, mobile considerations, and can help with some of the business logic in this context.

Of course post COVID many people's web properties have become their primary point of contact with their audiences. So it's a great time to explore additional functionality.

I have recently added a viewing room onto the Nicelle Beauchene site, we were able to quickly launch this in response to the COVID related closures. My feeling is that this is one of many features that could help gallerists navigate this new context. There is the potential to add tools like public viewing reservations, inventory browsers, customized password protected links to share with collectors, even tools for your artists, sky's the limit.

Bottom line - it's a flexible medium and I like to develop relationships with my clients that continue post launch.



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Gallery & Artist Portfolio Projects

Below is a selection of projects I have worked on both the visual design and technical development of.

Agency / Commercial Art Portfolios

Brochureware for agencies and commercial art industry clients.

ETC & Music Industry.

A collection of "Personal" projects along with a number of sites for musicians & labels.